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Where can I find more information about growing citrus in New Zealand?

Our free publication Growing Citrus in NZ – A practical guide has a wealth of information covering everything from planting to harvest, including which cultivars to select, orchard and business management, pruning, pest and disease control. Download it here: Growing Citrus in NZ – A practical guide . We also recommend that you get advice from a specialist horticultural consultant.

For information on dealing with pests, see the Citrus Integrated Pest Management Manual. This reference guide enables growers to identify problems and the most effective fixes. The manual is available online through our members portal.

For specialist advice on growing lemons, see the Lemon Growing Manual produced in 2004 by NSW DPI for Citrus Australia.

Please note some sections are out of date – please take note of the disclaimer on page 4 with reference to the age of the information in this book. Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are advised to obtain current advice from a consultant.

Citrus NZ is updating the manual delivered this via a series of modules. Many of these have now been published on the members portal. Contact the Citrus NZ Office to find out how to access to the portal.

I have an interest in the citrus industry but do not produce commercial citrus – can I be a member?
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What are CNZ compulsory levy rates?
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I’m thinking of buying or establishing a citrus orchard – what do I need to consider?
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What are the production costs for establishing or purchasing a citrus orchard?
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Is there an export market for citrus?
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Does New Zealand import citrus?
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Is volume and price data available?
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Are there citrus consultants I can talk to?
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Where can I get advice on growing organic citrus?
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Where can I source citrus or buy citrus products such as peel or juice?
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What compliance and quality assurance programmes should citrus growers know about?
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Where can I find citrus nursery tree providers?
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Does Citrus NZs have pest fact sheets?
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Where can I get contact details of citrus growers to source direct supply?
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